Be Kind to Humankind Week (fourth week).
Exercise with Your Child Week (second week). International Assistance Dog Week (first week). National Fraud Awareness Week (first week). National Simplify Your Life Week (first week). World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) (see breastfeeding memes). Here are the weekly observances you need to know. We hit up the major August 2022 holidays and monthly observance. Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month. National Minority Donor Awareness Month. National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Month. Here are the August 2022 Monthly Observance: August 2022 ObservancesĮach month, various causes, organizations and what not are celebrated. #Middle child day memes full
NFL Pre-season is in full swing in August! For my Cowboy fans – Dallas Cowboys Memes. August 31 is World Distance Learning Day and International Overdose Awareness Day.August 30 is College Colors Day, National Beach Day and National Grief Awareness Day.August 29 is International Day Against Nuclear Tests.
August 28 is March on Washington and Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, National WebMistress Day and National Dog Day. August 25 is National Secondhand Wardrobe Day and National Park Service Founders Day. August 24 is Kobe Bryant Day, National Waffle Day and International Strange Music Day. August 23 is Cheap Flight Day and International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. August 22 is National Tooth Fairy Day, World Plant Milk Day. HBO 8/21 episode 1 – House of the Dragon memes for the Game of Thrones prequel! August 21 is International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism and Senior Citizens Day. August 20 is World Mosquito Day, International Geocaching Day, National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day (yes and please and hungry memes), National Radio Day. August 19 is National Potato Day, National Aviation Day, World Photography Day and World Humanitarian Day. August 18 is National Couple’s Day, National Fajita Day and Women’s Suffrage. August 17 is National Black Cat Appreciation Day, National Thrift Shop Day, and National Nonprofit Day. August 16 is Tell a Joke Day, National Roller Coaster Day and National Airborne Day.
August 15 is International Homeless Animals Day, National Relaxation Day and National Back to School Prep Day. August 13 is National Bowling Day, National Garage Sale Day and Left-Handers Day. August 12 is Middle Child Day, National Vinyl Record Day, and International Youth Day. August 11 is National Son and Daughter Day ( son memes for you boy moms) and my bro’s bday!. August 10 is National Spoil Your Dog Day, Lazy Day and National S’mores Day. August 9 is International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, Co-working day (send a teamwork meme!), and National Book Lovers Day. August 8 in International Cat Day, International Infinity Day, Victory Day. August 7 is Sisters’ Day – celebrate sis with a sister meme, National Friendship Day, American Family Day, Purple Heart Day. August 4 is Barack Obama’s Birthday, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day and National White Wine Day. August 3 is my son’s birthday, Clean your Floors Day and National Watermelon Day.